Sunday, October 28, 2012
Can you derisk your prospect?
Saturday, October 27, 2012
What is your USP?
Friday, October 26, 2012
Indispensable Employee
Thursday, October 25, 2012 is flawed
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Consumer Scepticism
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
CIOs Role – Am I reading the trend right?
Monday, October 22, 2012
Circus Acrobat
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Don't worry but work through
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Pizza Hut – Happy bell
Friday, October 19, 2012
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Simple Analytics
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Tiger Woods - Personal Credibility
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Worldview and Frame
Monday, October 15, 2012
Can we mimic ourselves to be an Apple or Google? Can we?
This is just a thought about what individuals can adopt from top companies like Google or Apple?
Can we raise our risk appetite constantly? Trying something new in our job?
Can we take a forward looking approach, instead of living in our past glory?
Can we try to innovate ourselves and our skills significantly?
Can we stop regretting on what went wrong; take only lessons learnt and move on?
Can we re-invest our earnings significantly in ourselves?
Can we be someone with whom people feel proud to be associated with?
Can we measure our performance quarter on quarter?
Can we inspire people around us and show new reality?
Can we learn to differentiate ourselves by our unique capabilities?
Can we mean and stand for so something special?
Can we present ourselves well, professionally and ethically?
Can we learn to turn our performance down cycle to up cycle instead of quitting?
Though we are individuals, I think we can still operate and measure ourselves like a company. Like a top company. Like a Google or Apple.
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Masala Chai
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Is Gartner losing its edge?
Friday, October 12, 2012
All things being equal
Some of the products in the market offer features which sounds futuristic or one which are not needed immediately by the consumers or those which are helpful only for about 10% to 20% of the consumer base. Let me give few examples, selling NFC (near field communication) mobile phones in markets like India which doesn't have an ecosystem yet for NFC, Samsung trying to market its tablets on charts App, which probably will not be used by majority, Fevicol marketing its products showing furnitures thrown in water, but the fact is majority of us would keep furnitures away from water.
Then the question is why are these companies providing these features or promoting their products around these features? Because in the age of high competition, you need to answer this question in the consumer's mind, 'all things being equal whom should I go with', in that scenario the features like Charts, NFC or Water proof furnitures will pop-up in their mind. Even though these features are not mandatory for them, they gave a one-up score to a company compared to others. And it also managed to capture their mind and their interest, hence consumers buy them.
So when the consumer is asking the 'all things being equal' question, is your product popping up in their mind?
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Patience and Aggression at work
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Sales not working out?
Always me-too strategy
Never a head of curve
No passion for BHC (Beat-the-Hell-out-of-Competition)
No value proposition
Not aggressive (No Speed)
Not working hard
Don’t realize that good is bad in this world (be exceptional)
Internal Collaboration sucks
Poor or No retrospection
Not performance driven
No one to confront problems
No outside-in approach
Collective thinking is missing
Incompetent Sales Team
Focusing on too many things
Trying to make everybody happy internally
No distinct positioning
No Monitoring No Measuring
Don’t know how to beat down-cycle with up-cycle
Trying to sell poor products or services
Not engaging with prospects
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Did you practice in your area of work today?
Be an athlete.
Monday, October 8, 2012
and huge losses (resulting even in a shutdown). Hope you have your checks and balances in place to avoid low-ball-failures.
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Passenger’s Trust Deficit Syndrome
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Engaging is hard in sales
1. Do proper pre-call analysis about the prospect and their company (background, product, services)
2. Read few stuff related to the contact person, their industry, their business model, their competition etc
3. Listen...Listen...Listen, if you are more worried about putting across your point or your presentation, then you will lose when it comes to engaging with the prospect, because every word coming out of prospect's mouth can give you cues on how you can engage with them.... use it productively
4. If you feel your prospect is good at something.... don't lose the chance to appreciate them (sales guys sometimes are obsessed about completing their presentation and they don’t see how good the prospect is at something.... and fail to pass on a compliment... too bad)
5. Engaging means you have to constantly improve on being more creative, amusing and sharply attentive!! Because these are the 3 attributes which can help you engage with anybody much better.
6. Prospects are pre-occupied with their priorities at times, and you may need to grab their attention if you need to engage. Try this, it may work ”If you can provide me 10 minutes of your full attention, I can show you something which may turn be very important for you and you can then decide to continue or not”, and then don’t try to rush through, that will only lead to completing your ten minutes with no results. Try to engage.... in most cases prospect will end up spending more time with you.
7. Don’t be transactional in your approach, which is desperately trying to seek the answers for the questions you have in your mind...start friendly, engage and then incrementally seek answers to your questions, works better.
Friday, October 5, 2012
Number one
- There is a lot of social proof around (testimonials)
- Doesn't need a world of buying analysis (there is no competition for number one)
- Pretty easy to justify your decision to your boss (after all you bought the number one product or service)
- People around you readily accept that you have made the right choice
- And in the event something goes wrong with what you bought you still get the benefit of doubt
This doesn’t just hold good for products or services, it holds good for you as well.
So are you striving to be number one? And helping your employer buy YOU?
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Got No Mentor
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Flights = Cheapest fare
Is there a way that I can charge few 100 bucks extra and still make consumers buy tickets from me? give me your options? what are those value-adds / service differentiations which can help me charge more and still beat the competition? put your wild ideas here
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Collect a lot of money and give back a portion of it
Products companies sell their products to common man (small transactions with large set of people), to increase their sales, they advertise further in KBC, KBC gets a portion of what the product companies earned from common man, KBC then invites common man to their show and pay winners a portion of what they earned from product companies (large transaction with few individuals, in other words winners).
You are right this is the way most transaction cycle work around advertising / TV shows, but I never got it this clear until I started thinking about it while watching KBC…. and in case of KBC it is slightly different, it starts with majority common man shelling out money to minority common man receiving a part of the same money back (while in case of other TV shows you only get entertainment)
Monday, October 1, 2012
Why the hell is he resisting me?
And one of the big reason for this are the sales guys themselves
In the past one of the sales guy would have grossly misused prospect’s time
Would have made false claims around his offerings and got away with it
Would have betrayed prospect’s trust in one way or other
Would have provided pathetic after sales support etc
The more number of sales guys the prospect meets who does all or some of the above, the prospect is negatively conditioned against sales guys
Now you may be all good but when you come in front of this prospect as salesman, he is bound to have a general sales resistance against you..... because you are a sales guy.....and his conditioning states you are there to take undue advantage of him.
Now for no reason of yours, you need to work extra hard to overcome the general if you are a sales guy be caring and true to your prospects, as not being so would hurt you one day or other.
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Is black money causing lack of good customer experience?
To my understanding a lot of black money today is deployed in buying real estates in India which is making the cost of real estate more expensive than what it should be based on the usual demand and supply curve.
Is this causing bad customer experience in retailing? Because of high realty cost are retailers compromising on parking space, number of check- out counters, space between aisles, number of support staff, saving cost on air conditioning to pay for high realty cost? etc etc and boy is this helping online retailing beyond its reasonable share?
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Why even Reliance can't beat Flipkart now!!
Not sure if Reliance is planning to launch online store like Flipkart but here is my Perspective if they are planning one.
Reliance can put in 10 times the money what Flipkart has spent to build itself but it would be near impossible for them to capture higher market share (better yet Indian mind share.... a trust worthy image of Flipkart in our mind).
Possible reason:
1. Flipkart has this huge first-comer-advantage
2. Online retailing in India to most of us means Flipkart (mind share)
3. Their service, from whatever I have seen is impeccable. And because of which they have earned our trust (mind share)
4. And they seem to understand that they have to continue the pursuit to get more and more mind share and at a quicker rate than before (and I believe a large part of the money they have raised would be spent on that)
Their competitors are trying all sorts of marketing stunts (free vouchers, selling below cost to build user base, crazy repeated ads on TV, 100s of offers) but I doubt its working effectively.
But there is one way Reliance can beat them
If Flipkart screws up its service, that would build trust deficit for others to overtake them ( I hope they won't let that happen).
Another company which has huge Indian mind share is Cadbury Diary milk (“kuch meetha ho jaye”), makes it very difficult for competitors to outperform them. When I say Diary milk what comes to your mind “Premium Quality”, “Happiness”, “Licking your fingers J” , “Proposing a girl” , “Everybody love it”, “Apt for all celebrations”, “Good choice for a gift” ......... see they got your mind share.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Outside-In approach - Sales
It's about what your prospect wants than what you can offer
It's about what the prospect thinks is the right price to pay than what it cost you
It's about connecting with their aspirations and needs not yours
It's about their perceived value gain than your value proposition
It's about your alignment with them than theirs with yours
It's about their trade-off and opportunity cost not yours
It's about their convenience and urgency not yours
It's about their emotions/desire/interest/stress not yours
It's about their business competition not yours
Think Outside-In.
Trying to sell something to masses which is difficult to use may not go well!! Imagine you have to learn 10 key strokes or better yet 10 gestures to operate Angry birds!!
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
- Quitting many things to focus on few
This book is about knowing when you are in a Dip, Cul-de-sac (deadend) or facing the fall from a cliff (either in your career or business). Pretty good read.
Btw, I sent a note today to Seth Godin asking how he manages to write blogs every single day and with such deep thoughts.... and I asked him for a tip. And his response to me was "start.... don't stop....keep going". Simple solution....yet difficult to be consistent in it :)
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Fishbowl Management
If you are leader and you see two or more departments / individuals’ often bad mouthing or blaming each other, bring them to common forum and break open what each one thinks about the other, sure this is going to create some uncomfortable situation but if handled well, can help remove the unnecessary noise in the system and put people back on performance track. On the other hand leaving it open would breed inefficiency in your organization.
Sunday, February 26, 2012
What did I learn in sales?
Thought of sharing some of my experience in sales so far, I am going to focus primarily on how to deal with Prospects, which means you have already done some level of qualification on the lead (company/individual) and you believe that it is worth pursuing with the lead to seek opportunities.
The points are not necessarily in order and it covers only few aspects of selling nevertheless here are my quick thoughts around it. Some of the points would be very specific to selling IT services.
1.First connect and then sell. Don’t start running your corporate presentation immediately, see if you can talk about some common interest, ask some thought provoking questions around prospect’s business, seek opportunity for some humor etc.
2.Once you feel the prospect is comfortable, give out the Agenda for the meeting and see if prospect wants to add/remove anything from it. This would help structure your conversation accordingly
3.Have enough pause between slides, so it gives a chance for the prospect to jump in and ask questions if any. Alternatively check with the prospect if he has any questions every 2 or 3 slides. It is usually a good sign if the prospect is asking questions, it indicate that he is looking for answers to overcome some of existing pain-points or trying to understand our offerings better.
4.Of course before you get into a prospect call, spend minimum of 1 hour knowing the prospect, about the company and what they may be looking for (if you don’t know already).
5.Ideally you should have 3 good questions ready for the prospect, which would show that you have taken time to understand their business, have done your homework and also makes the prospect feel that you are smart.
6.In some cases if you already have an idea on what they would be looking for, go with 2 or 3 ideas on what can help their business? Their productivity? Their profitability? Value proposition around your solution.
7.Once you are done with showcasing your capabilities, qualify the prospect on his needs, urgency and authority (usually the prospect won’t let out their budget details, so I am leaving that from the qualification list, but you can always hook up to their website and figure out how big they are etc)
8.After qualification, there may be follow-up calls to understand the needs better and finally you provide your proposal with value proposition/cost/schedule etc, but during this process, don’t forget to ask the prospect “how would the buying decision be made?” Answer to this question would help you know if there are other stakeholders involved? Would provide insights about how they buy? Who is the final authority etc.
9.If the prospect is telling you, let me have a internal discussion and get back, why don’t we touch base after 2 weeks or next quarter, we are still working on the requirements and will get back to you, we already have internal team but are thinking if we can augment some work, currently we don’t have a need but will keep you mind.
All these reactions essentially means there is not much urgency here or prospect was not impressed enough with your presentation or perceives you don’t have what they need. In these scenarios see if you can put forward few questions to understand things better.
Ask the prospect, would it help if we are part of the internal discussion to answer some of the questions you may have? What time would like to talk next week? Would you be interested if one of our business analyst can help you on requirements elaboration? Oh, if you already have an internal team, do you think that our skills can be a compliment to what you already have? Which are the areas you think there may be synergies in the future? Asking these questions will definitely let you know more about the prospect and you can then decide whether to pursue further or to move-on
10.Negotiation, one of the most important aspects of selling, when the prospect talks about high price, ask him why does he feel that way? See if you can get his focus back to value which we offer than to price? See if you can narrow down on his thoughts about pricing. And more importantly never show desperation to close out a deal, being aggressive in the sales process is different from being desperate to close the deal.
11.Power of silence, when you are in the closing stage and have put your offer in front of the prospect, be silent thereafter, and allow the prospect to react. If the prospect it taking time to decide, don’t get impatient to jump in with another better offer
12.Retrospect after every win or lose, to see what went well and what not, this will help you improve your selling skills
In my next blog, I would definitely like to cover some of my experience around big wins/losses I went through and of course add more points to this above list.
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Top 10 Things a CEO Must do right
Been thinking to write about my experience working with CXOs for a while but for some reason that’s getting delayed, nevertheless here a quick one on what are the top 10 things a CEO must do right
1. Set clear Goals for the organization
2. Set up Key Performance Indicators across the board
3. Channelize organization’s focus and energy towards its goal
4. Build differentiation and strategize on what’s next for a sustained growth
5. Making departments work together seamlessly, especially those who have repelling KRAs
6. Spend about 50% time on Sales, Marketing and meeting Customers
7. Build performance based culture, kick unnecessarily noise and politics out
8. Gain the ability to connect the dots (observations from executive management meetings, customer feedbacks, operational metrics, employee feedback, industry trends etc) to get insightful information.
9. Build A+ leadership team, especially those who can compliment in running the business
10.Last but not the least, stand by example on performance, integrity and leadership.