Monday, October 1, 2012

Why the hell is he resisting me?

Sometimes prospects have general sales resistance, they are either mentally switched off right from the time you start or they avoid you by all means!!

And one of the big reason for this are the sales guys themselves

In the past one of the sales guy would have grossly misused prospect’s time
Would have made false claims around his offerings and got away with it
Would have betrayed prospect’s trust in one way or other
Would have provided pathetic after sales support etc

The more number of sales guys the prospect meets who does all or some of the above, the prospect is negatively conditioned against sales guys

Now you may be all good but when you come in front of this prospect as salesman, he is bound to have a general sales resistance against you..... because you are a sales guy.....and his conditioning states you are there to take undue advantage of him.

Now for no reason of yours, you need to work extra hard to overcome the general if you are a sales guy be caring and true to your prospects, as not being so would hurt you one day or other.

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