Saturday, October 13, 2012

Is Gartner losing its edge?

Was part of Gartner's IT Symposium at Goa, though its a great place to network for IT service providers focusing on India, I found most of Gartner analyst sessions not so engaging enough (except keynote sessions), partly may be they were throwing too many figures on the screen, than showing some real-time compelling success stories or could be that information today has become so ubiquitous (because of Internet, socialmedia & mobile) that you already know most of what Analyst is talking about or may be what the Analysts were speaking was resonating with People who were not in the IT services business. Whatever may be the reason, my take is that with information becoming more and more ubiquitous, Gartner needs to innovate more in their offerings..... sorry if I am sounding arrogant here trying to comment on Gartner...but this is just my perspective based on my world's view.

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