Monday, October 15, 2012

Can we mimic ourselves to be an Apple or Google? Can we?

This is just a thought about what individuals can adopt from top companies like Google or Apple?

Can we raise our risk appetite constantly? Trying something new in our job?
Can we take a forward looking approach, instead of living in our past glory?
Can we try to innovate ourselves and our skills significantly?
Can we stop regretting on what went wrong; take only lessons learnt and move on?
Can we re-invest our earnings significantly in ourselves?
Can we be someone with whom people feel proud to be associated with?
Can we measure our performance quarter on quarter?
Can we inspire people around us and show new reality?
Can we learn to differentiate ourselves by our unique capabilities?
Can we mean and stand for so something special?
Can we present ourselves well, professionally and ethically?
Can we learn to turn our performance down cycle to up cycle instead of quitting?

Though we are individuals, I think we can still operate and measure ourselves like a company. Like a top company. Like a Google or Apple.

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