Saturday, October 5, 2013

Sales Mindmap

I like putting things in a mind-map format, a single diagram which pretty much captures all aspects of a business or a specific function, in this case I have tried to do it for "Sales". Content provided is about 20% based on my experience and 80% from books I have read (like "All marketers are liars", "The art of closing", "Rain making conversation", "Influence", "Thinkertoys"), but I take the credit for putting all of it together :) and trying to connect the dots. Idea wasn't to cover all that is possible but all that I felt was crucial.

I tried embedding the image here but it doesn't render well, hence providing a dropbox link, and I hope the link last forever. Please let me know your comments on this.

Sales - Mindmap


  1. Very informative. All the details put very crisply. Can you send the link of finding details on types of closures? Seems all latin to me :)

  2. Very useful for kind of people like me were starting the level upgrade towards to the sales and management from techie
