If I have to look back at some of the deals we (sales and delivery team) won in last few years and I ask myself what was the single biggest reason behind each of the victories apart from the standard credentialization etc, it will be the following.
- Aspiration: Sold to a travel company that we can build a site, with a google type search box, wherein people can come-in and search anything and everything about travel/vacation and system will display appropriate tour packages for them. Showed new reality. Got the deal.
- Speed: Unbelievable turn-around time on submitting a proposal with benefit statements, our passion and speed was contagious. We won.
- Extra-Mile: Surprised the prospect with website mocks - which they didn't ask for, while other vendors were trying to please the prospect by showing only their past performance.
- Creativity: Presented 3 fresh ideas on how their product can be different and more engaging with consumers and act as differentiator, other vendors were busy giving discounts.
- Pre-call-analysis: we said to the prospect, we can talk about your company for 30 mins non-stop, do you want see how well we know you? Created an impression which lasted forever.
- Risk-elimination: Told to the prospect don't pay if you don't like, we aren't a company happy earning money without delivering value first. Of course they liked us!!
- Idea: Converting a prospect idea to reality, prospect came up with a question, "hey is this something possible?" and we went back with 30 slide detailed ppt on how we can achieve it together and what are the benefits. That just gave the power to the prospect to internally champion the idea and get us the deal.
The point is, if you keep asking simple questions like the ones below, you will invariably add value to the prospect and will stand-out, thereby increasing your probability of getting the deal.
- Why should the prospect buy from you?
- What can the prospect get from you which other vendors cannot provide?
- Are you giving the prospect just what they asked for or thinking multiple level beyond that?
- Am I really solving a problem for the prospect at a holistic level?
- Are we helping the prospect differentiate themselves in the market?
- Am I making sure to de-risk my prospect from possible failures?
- Am I making my contacts at the customer side look good in front of their bosses?
"Be a consultant and help your prospect buy from you"